Python assignment


 Import pandas library

import pandas as pd

data [["Tata', 'Nexon, 2017], ["MG", "Astor, 2021], ["XIA', 'Seltos, 20191, (Hyundai

reta", 201511

Create a list of lists

Create the pandas DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns['ccepany, 'model', 'year'11

print the dataframe, dt

Python 2:

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

Pass a 20 numpy array each row is the corresponding row in the dataframe data= np.array([('Tata', 'Nexon', 2017). I'KIA', 'Seltoa', 20191,

IMG', 'Astor, 20211,

[Hyundai, Creta', 2015111

1 pass column names in the columns parameter of the constructor df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['company', 'model', 'year']]


Python 3 

import pandas as pd

#Create the dictionary

data('company': ['Tata', 'MG', 'KIA', 'Hyundai'], 'model': ('Nexon', 'Astor', 'Seltos', 'Creta'],

'year' [2017, 2021,2019,2015]


#Create the dataframe df pd.DataFrame.from_dict (data) #Print the dataframe df

Python 4 

import pandas as pd

#Each dictionary is a record in the dataframe. #Dictionary Keys become Column names in the dataframe. Dictionary values become the

values of columns

data = [{'company': 'Tata', 'model': 'Nexon', 'year': 2017),

{'company': 'MG', 'model' : 'Astor', 'year': 2021),

('company': 'KIA', 'model' : 'Seltos', 'year': 2019),

('company': 'Hyundai', 'model': 'Creta', 'year': 2015)]

df = pd.DataFrame (data)


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